With on-site chair massage my goal is to help your company keep its competitive edge by ensuring the well-being and health of your employees.
Advantages for Employees
*Immediate Stress relief
*Improves alertness
*Relieves tension and stiffness in tired muscles
*Lowers anxiety and hostility
*Improves problem solving
*Strengthens immunity
Advantages for the Company
*Increases performance and productivity
*Reduces employee absenteeism
*Enhances employee loyalty and morale
*Improves overall company health
On-site chair massage can be given at the workstation, in an office or cubicle, or in any small corner of a conference or workroom.
If you would like to start an on-site chair massage program for your employees, give Joanie a call to work out details.
Joanie has participated in several community events offering on-site chair massage to guests who want relief from tired achy muscles.
Kiwanis 4th of July Pancake Breakfast at Lodi Lake
CMT#8110/YLEO member#1035612